Way to go Cora!



  We switched the leads from the right lead to the left lead this morning. 
  I can scarcely believe the difference!  I've only had enough leaking today
  to change pads ONCE!
  We all know that this TM/blasted syndrome-opathy affects us differently
  from person to person-- but differently on different sides as well.  I've
  got a feeling they put me on the side that they thought was less likely to
  give results first.  I admit that I'd have been severely bummed if I had
  good results then bad.  We'll see how nights go.......... I usually just
  put on a gob of pads and overnight diaper  and try to sleep through.

  I kept increasing the signal, as I became used to it , on side one, up to
  about a 5 (halfway)  Then I had some fever, dizzyness, didn't feel at all
  good, and pretty much got over that, then when changing to the left lead,
  I thought the "tolerance" that had built up might have some effect, but
  no!  I started at about .5 and haven't gone above 1 today, and can still
  feel it.  I'm pretty sure that its just about finding the setting that
  works; on the side that works.  I did ask, and was told they would use the
  side that did the best.

  And...I've had "normal" bowel movements since about the 4th day.  I mean,
  I used to have to use digital stimulation to achieve a bowel movement, and
  considered it to be under control, but these are without stimulation
  (except from the stimulator, of course)!  Wow!  This is what I was hoping

  They did say that us TMers have less success if our bladders retain rather
  than leak.

  If it works for me, it can work for others.   Cora

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