I have been having "flutterings", which are like the small muscle spasms I have 
in my legs and arms, over my left breast area.  This just started in the last 
week - or at least that I am aware of.  Does anyone have the same or does 
anyone think I should contact my Neuro?

I have been under some stress due to doing taxes and finding out that I owe 
$3500 to IRS.  Little did I know that the Disability Insurance is taxable which 
I think is unjust - if I had my car stolen or totaled, I don't think that 
insurance amount is taxable!

Also due to the amount of the Disability Insurance amount, I don't qualify for 
any additional credits.  I had plenty of deductions due to meds, Medical Health 
Insurance payments, special equipment not covered under insurance, etc. and got 
the amount from $7500 to the $3500 amount, BUT still more than I think I should 

Then today I went to pay my credit card that I use for personal items 
(groceries, meds, gas, etc.) and found that some where along the line, my 
credit card number has been stolen.  I have $500+ in different charges with 
such items as Islamic Refugee Relief, hobby store, etc.  The Credit Card 
company is looking into it but does that mean that possibly the FBI or CIA will 
be visiting me?  I check my credit card and bank balances at least weekly.  All 
this has happened since last Friday, 3/23. 

Anyway, back to the original question - should I be alarmed?  I don't want to 
appear neurotic to the doctor but I also don't want to ignore any "signals" 
that my body is trying to send to me.


Candy K.

Candis Kalley
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

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