Hello friends, I was wondering if anyones neuro has prescribed Avinza(morophine 
sulfate time released beads).I recently was given a prescription of this. Has 
anyone else ever tried them. I have always been affraid of the addictiveness of 
morohpine, but with the type of pain that I have my neuro suggested that I try 
them. I have been on them now for 2 months and have enjoyed having less pain. 
My neuro warned me of the side effects and made it very clear that if I stop 
taking them, without his knowledge that a morophine withdrawal can be risky. I 
don't know if anyone of you have the same type of pain I have because this type 
pain is so hard to describe.Has anyone of you had pain that required such a 
strong drug to have to go to this far. I have had this spinal cord afliction 
now for 8 years and It seems to get worse as time goes on. I have alot of faith 
in my neuro and I hate that this pain has gotten so uncontrolling. I do not 
recommend this drug for mild pain and I don't end!
 orce it either. I am merely wanting to get some feedback. Thanks Rick

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