Barbara, I would hug everyone if I could.  This is so great.  No one
(except this bunch) knows how disconcerting it is to be leaking, voiding,
urinating all the time, even if I do have enough pads on to keep it from
leaking to outer clothes.  Also, with all that padding, how much is it
affecting my gait?  Walking with mostly numb feet is no easy task, as you
all know.  I guess that's what is so truly enjoyable about horseback
riding--he has full function of his legs-all 4 of them, and I get to
experience that in a way.  The spasms in the worst affected muscles in my
legs and ankles keep them very stiff.  The massage therapist is working
very hard on getting some relaxation from those muscles.  I'd hate to
think how my feet would be curled down if she hadn't been working on my
legs weekly!  Now I just have to get my stamina back after having to stay
quiet for 2 months.
Buck up, gang--technology is definitely worth it!    Cora

> Hello Cora,
> You are just the great success story!  I am just so thrilled for  you!
> Thanks so much for sharing and giving hope to so many.
> Hugs, Barbara A
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