Nope, not every one gets MS.   And some never get TM.     My neighbor two doors 
down went right into MS, no TM dx at all.   So go figger.   She's also on 
Avonex but the MS is affecting her vision and she's had two wrecks already 
driving to work.   Yikes.

  From: Louise Croyden     To: natalie mizenko ; Transverse Myellitis 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:24 PM     Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got 

  Hi Natalie,

  I hope that, in my e-mail, you didn't think I was saying we would all get MS. 
 As I mentioned, MS is only one of the underlying diseases or infections that 
may have caused the attack on our spinal cords in the first place --  with the 
resulting demylination of the myelin sheath and nerves which has left at least 
two thirds of us with life-changing problems.  I think we all get confused when 
we talk about TM turning into something else when it is actually caused by 
something else.

  In my case, the inflammation (myelitis) was across both sides of the spinal 
cord (transverse) and they could not find a definite cause (ideopathic) so the 
diagnosis was Ideopathic Transverse Myelitis.  They believe it happened because 
of a sinus infection I had just before the attack of inflammation.  So far, 
none of the ongoing tests have shown any other reason and I haven't had a 
recurrence of TM to indicate something else may be going on.

  I apologize if my description wasn't clear enough and hope everyone will read 
the John's Hopkins information as it is really helpful.

  Regards again,

    From: natalie mizenko   To: Transverse Myellitis    Sent: Wednesday, May 
16, 2007 1:34 PM
    Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

          When I was at Baylor they first gave me an MRI which indicated the 
Transverse Myelitis (I had already been diagnosed in Arkansas); anyway while I 
was sent over to the Baylor Rehab; right before I left my pain was so severe; 
she said most people w/ TM don't have that degree of pain, so anyways, the dr. 
ordered another MRI to see if I had a MS; but it was ruled out negative.  She 
said you do not have MS.  She told me about the possible reccurence of TM which 
was slight, but she never told me I would later get MS.  I am surprised to see 
so many saying it will go into that.  I haven't read that anywhere but here.  
Anyway hope everyone pain is better today, Natalie  

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