I took the LDN and wrote about it several times to this list. It worked
well, but I could not get a doctor to prescribe the dermal type and the oral
started upsetting my stomach. Since there is no cure for what we have I
thought the LDN was worth a try. I had a month of feeling pretty normal. It
was nice.
Natalie B

On 6/1/07, Akua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>He mentioned in the  journal taking low dose maltrexone.  I checked
>on line at lowdosenaltrexone.org    seems it can boost the immune
>system.  I never heard of anyone in the group taking that.

I take low dose naltrexone. Have experienced some return since taking
it and lessening of pain and discomfort. Such that this is it for me.
The only other drug I take
is oxy-b ( the generic d=for detrol la) So I tend to think it's
effective since most TMers take lots of other stuff. I'm paralyzed.
was told T-10 since 11/14/05.
My thanks to Crystal whose web site led me to LDN a year ago.


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