On a Memorial Day barbecue at my daughter's, a neighbor asked me the usual, 
"what is my problem walking"?  My favorite question, right?  Well, to be 
polite, I gave him a simple explanation and he really seemed interested and 
with some knowledge of autoimmune disorders.  Told me of someone he knew who 
has MS, etc.
  And then, he mentioned bees' venom, and that perhaps I should try it.  I 
thought he was joking and I laughed as I really relish and enjoy a good laugh, 
but he was not joking.   He said he could administer it himself, knew where to 
get the bees, etc.  He asked my email address to send me details and so on...  
I could hardly get through reading the journal of this man with MS who would 
obviously try anything.  He mentioned in the  journal taking low dose 
maltrexone.  I checked on line at lowdosenaltrexone.org    seems it can boost 
the immune system.  I never heard of anyone in the group taking that.
  Anyway, this Bee Venom Therapy also called Bee Sting Therapy or Apitherapy 
intrigued me after I stopped laughing.  I'm wondering if anyone ever heard of 
it, and if I should forward it to the group. I don't think I should.  Let me 
know what you think.

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