     When I first got tm,I took 2 laxatives and 3 stool softeners daily.I did 
that for a couple of years,then everything worked O.K. on its' own.
     Then I had some bloody stools,had a colonoscopy that showed no problems 
and was fine for a few years.
     Now,I've got diarrhea 2-4 times a day  that I can't hold back long enough 
to get to a bathroom.
     If I have to go somewhere I eat 5-6 bananas just to be able to leave the 
house for a short time.
     I would rather have constipation,cuz I wouldn't have to worry about going 
unexpectedly,and could take a laxative if I needed to.
     I think I'll try the metamucil,and hope it works.
     Cheryl in hot/nuggy Easthampton,Mass.

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