Since I take HIV medications that does cause diarrhea  so bad that even Imodium 
didn't help.  So now I'm on one daily dose of Calcium tablet.  I had tried two 
a day that cause constipation and one every other day cause diarrhea.  The 
doses may different from person to person and TM to TM.
  Todd in CC, TX

      Hi Cheryl,
  I got C-diff, can't remember the real name for it, but it totally messed up 
my gut and I had diarrhea for 2 months straight.  I had the same problems that 
you expressed.  I can relate to the horror that you go through, and I still 
suffer from this.  This occured from the use of too many antibiotics when I was 
getting pneumonia several times per year.  My system is still very touchy, and 
the doc says my system will most likely never be back to normal.  I take 
probiotics to give myself the best shot that I can at a healthy gut, and eat 
yogurt almost every day.
  Anyway,  anytime that I am having a flare-up with loose stools, which is a 
few days a week at least, and it's a day that I have to go out, I always take 
Ammodium which is supposed to help with diarrhea.  It usually stops the 
problem, or at least keeps me from having to use the bathroom for a few hours.  
I never worry about constipation from it, as I don't have that problem.    
  Hugs, Barbara A

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