Here in Montreal we can phone in an order to "P.A. Supermarche" and they deliver free- we do have to pay for the food.


You're fortunate. That's sadly not an option here.
If anyone knows of a place in my city, I welcome it, but other than that
I must say that I'm very taken aback that my report of the unavailability of something is met with
more tasks.... as if  I have not already, sought, looked, asked.

"Surely it must..." It doesn't here. If you know where it does, I welcome the information. If not, I bristle at the obvious.

I met a entrepreneur who was starting a delivery business--- he was delivering my order from an Indian restaurant. He confirmed that few restaurants offered delivery, hence his business to deliver for restaurants. I asked him about grocery delivery--- not something the culture deems important. He knew of none. (He's a native, I've only lived here the length of my TM).

I live in an 23- story apartment buidling designated for the disabled and elderly. My state of being is new to me, but not to them. I searched and could not find., I asked and no one had an answer. I lost a lot of weight between the lack of anything remotely edible or healthy at the nursing home and my finding my way in this apartment. As my short term PT said, the less to have to move by hand.

The management office offered the $20/hour plus gas person and the onsite twice weekly rip off lady.

There are other "experts" the Center for Diability Rights, the Center for Independent Living. Neither knew of such services.


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