I have not joined in on this since going to the grocery store is still one of those things I CAN do one day a week. But in many Wisconsin communities they have a program called "Market Basket" or something like that. If I understand it correctly....you get a large box of groceries at a discount and there are volunteers who deliver them. I think its set up that you can pick them up for yourself. But when I was looking at it a few years ago they were looking for volunteers who would not only belong to the program but also deliver the boxes to those who could not get out. Also...in some areas, more everyday, there are CSAs. Those are Community Supported Agriculture farms that grow vegies and fruits for members who pay up front and get a box of fresh produce every week. Its like having your own garden without the dirt, sweat, blisters and bending. The ones around cities I understand deliver to your door...more for working people who like to come home and find a cooler with fresh vegies on the back steps than disabled folks who cant travel...but you get the deal.
My two cents,
Sandy in hot, hot, too hot Wisconsin.
Did I mention its rather hot today?
----- Original Message ----- From: "cakalley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] grocery delivery

OK here's another 2 cents from m

Where is it that you live - city, state, zip? Maybe each of us can do some searching and find something to help you and those in your building.

OK you say some can do and others can't and they have to pay outrages price. You seem to have repore with your neighbors, gather those that have been paying, and those that can do, and once a week you all have your grocery list together; then, put all lists together, have one of the special priced people get and deliver then everyone pays a portion of the delivery fee. OR, as I sure some of those that can do need extra money and would be happy to do it for a reasonable fee. To me that seems like a win/win situation for all concerned.

Also, if you have had neighbors die, hopefully not from starvation, I hope someone in the state or federal organization investigated!

How helped you get in the building you are in?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Jun 13, 2007 3:30 PM
To: cakalley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] grocery delivery


Please don't bristle - we are just trying to help.  I know how your
feel about more to do, but sometimes it does take persistance.  I
know that there are days where you don't feel like being persistant,
but those days that you do, make a list of people and places to
call.  Then on another day when you once again feel like being
persistant, start calling.

Is there a Meals on Wheels?

Yes, there is..... but that's not shopping help

If you're in a building for elderly and disabled, surely someone
should, would, know of an answer.

Again.... i reported on what the building had to say..... folks who
can do, others who can't pay the onerous charges and others, like my
neighbor, die.

Another thought, try calling local churches.

Here in Naples, there is an organization for the elderly and they
sometimes help the disabled.

Just a few thoughts.

Candy K.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Jun 13, 2007 2:15 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] grocery delivery

Here in Montreal we can phone in an order to  "P.A. Supermarche" and
they deliver free- we do have to pay for the food.


You're fortunate. That's sadly not an option here.
If anyone knows of a place in my city, I welcome it, but other than that
I must say that I'm  very taken aback  that my report of the
unavailability of something is met with
more tasks.... as if  I have not already, sought, looked, asked.

"Surely it must..." It doesn't here. If you know where it does, I
welcome the information. If not, I bristle at the obvious.

I met a entrepreneur who was starting a delivery business--- he was
delivering my order from an Indian restaurant. He confirmed that few
restaurants offered delivery, hence his business to
deliver for restaurants.  I asked him about grocery delivery--- not
something the culture deems important. He knew of none. (He's a
native, I've only lived here the length of my TM).

I live in an 23- story apartment buidling  designated for the
disabled and elderly. My state of being is new to me, but not to
them. I searched and could not find., I asked and no one had an
answer.  I lost a lot of weight between the lack of anything remotely
edible or healthy at the nursing home and my finding my way in this
apartment.  As my short term PT said, the less to have to move by

The management office offered the $20/hour plus gas person and the
onsite twice weekly rip off  lady.

There are other "experts" the Center for Diability Rights, the Center
for Independent Living. Neither knew of such services.


Candy K.


Candy K.

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