I actually thought that we had an over-active immune system - it's on and 
doesn't know when to stop which causes the immune system to attack different 
parts ofallergic t our body which our immune system doesn't reconize as a part 
of the whole body and not an outside invader.

I attribute my hay-wire immune system to all the steriods I've had to take over 
the years due to being allergic to so many anti-biotics.  The steriods shuts 
the immune system down, then when you go off the steriods, your immune system 
kicks back in.  Like a light switch, after a while of so many off/on's it wears 
down and BANG your immune system goes and attacks anything in sight - with TM 
it's the sheath around the spinal cord - with colitis it's the colon, etc. 

Candy K.
-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Jun 20, 2007 5:09 PM
>Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: Re: [TMIC] Med marijuana
>> You might be interested in this:
>> "Marijuana use weakens the immune system. 
>>e specially in view of the fact that most of us seem to have weakened immu> 
>>ne systems.
>I don't believe that article/book-  IT"S  BOOOOGUS !!!  
>Actually, I read recently the cannabinoids may benefit one's normal immune 
>TM is caused by a hyper- active immune systems- Auto-immune process.  That's 
>why we are treated initially with cortisone, to decrease the immune response.
>Hope that staightens you out.

Candy K.

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