Dear Bernie, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
You brought up some interesting points regarding Balch and Balch.  I’ve offered 
some information regarding your comments in a separate response, for whoever 
might be interested.
Nevertheless, all of it is really beside the point.  The bottom line is, Balch 
and Balch put together a book on Nutritional Therapies which was a composite of 
their research, not an account of their personal expertise.  Their information 
regarding marijuana was a small paragraph of information which was only part of 
their suggestions that could be helpful to someone concerned about a weakened 
immune system.  Such information can easily be found by anyone searching the 
internet for information.  (The only thing that they were trying to sell was 
the book - which many appreciate for the wealth of information it holds.)
At the same time, you can ALSO find that, as well as the opposite information 
regarding marijuana, by searching the web.  It just depends on what you’re 
trying to find.  I have read MANY excellent articles concerning both pro and 
con, from other sources, as well as the internet.  
As I’ve said before, my comment was simply to offer information that people 
might want to consider before making their own judgment - I don’t think I said 
that I expected everyone to accept my personal conclusions - or those of the 

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