You must have misunderstood my e-mail.  I cannot walk,  due to deterioration 
of my body, for lack of therapy.  I am consider a  quad, because my TM affects 
all four limbs.  I do not have any use of my  right hand or leg.  My left leg 
works okay, but my left arm has limited use  and so does my left hand.  I am 
an able to feed myself.  I can't hold  a book, nor turn the pages.  I can't 
write, scratch where it itches, blow  my own nose, wash myself or dress myself. 
I have to have someone with me  24 hours a day.  I go from the bed, to the 
wheelchair, and back to the  bed.  I spent all of my day on the computer and 
watching TV.  I wish I  could walk.  I would start walking, and never stop!  

C-4 quad,  incomplete
since July 2,  2005

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