Ann, Naomi, Gary,  etc.     My story is pretty much the same too.    Was 
"thunderstruck" Sept. 05.   Still havent been 100% diagnosed but I  am pretty 
its TM.   Have gone to numerous neurologists - I dont  know why.  They dont 
really do anything.   I just figure there  may be something new out there but I 
will probably know about it on my  own.    
    Also am mostly  in a wheelchair but can drag myself around with a walker. 
 Fortunately I am  in no pain but of course alot of discomfort - burning, 
cold sensations,  etc.
    Thanks to one  therapist and her urging and a good reality check I have a 
power chair and do  drive a van using my leg so I am pretty mobile.  
    Of course I do  miss my tennis and golf but what can you do.  Was told 
today that I have  worsening osteoporosis of my hips and I should do more 
bearing  exercise.  Thats a joke.   If I cant stand how can I bear  weight on 
my legs.  (I have been doing extensive therapy for the past  almost 2 years 
which got me where I am today but I guess my bones dont recognize  that.)
    Take care all,   Rosalie

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