Regina, in my humble opinion the laughter and fun is at least (if not more) 
important than all the other information we share.

I know I always feel better when there's a bit of fun happening. It's also 
important (again IMHO) to let the newbies know that there is still life after 
tm and it is possible to laugh.

Gilly, a little old lady from Australia.

  I really enjoyed the fun, quirky, witty, etc. comments regarding...  I can't 
remember what.  Oh yes, it all started with Phran3que's name.  Strangely 
enough, seems like I (we) learned more about who we are, capsules of 
background, from just that one email.  My goodness, we are an interesting 
group!  Not me really, you.  And a fun group!

  Seemed like just for a while, TM was out of the picture, if that's at all 
possible.  I am desperately pushing myself to go to physical therapy three 
times a week, exercising everyday, feeling guilty if I miss a day, and knowing 
damn well that none of that if going to make my left leg feel any less numb.  
Nothing relieves the numbness, nothing relieves the lack of balance, the fear 
of falling...  

  There, I've spoiled it by bringing up you know what.  So sorry, many of you 
have it much worse, I know that.  I will go back and read again the 
positive/fun messages and laugh again.

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