It's funny, I was just thinking the exact same thing before I  logged into my 
computer.  I was thinking about where I stand in this life  time.  What do I 
have to offer to being a meaningful person.  Being a  C4 Quad, I have no 
movement on the right side and limited movement on the left  side.  This leaves 
unable to perform the most meager task.  I was  wondering, what is there left 
for me?  I can't do anything, I can't go  anywhere alone, I don't produce 
anything.  Does that mean that I have no  place in this world?
I had been working a full-time job, since the age of 15.   I am now 50 years 
old.  In those years, I did a lot of different type of  work.  All of it 
producing something.  Now all I produce is work for  someone else to do... 
for me.  Is this my destiny?
Usually I'm pretty upbeat and take things in stride.  I  rely on my faith in 
God, to get me through most days, but today I just feel a  little depressed.  
Maybe I need to up my Cymbalta dosage.
I come to this message board, because I know that someone here  will 
understand and sympathize with me.  I agree with Jude, when she stays  that our 
friends and family can't really relate to what we actually feel.   I just 
needed a 
shoulder to cry on for today.  Thanks for being there for  me.  

C-4 quad,  incomplete
since July 2,  2005

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