I have had a suprapubic catheter since 5/05 when I got too  weak to walk 
My home health nurse changes it once a month.  When I go  out I can change 
from the big collection bag to a leg bag which hids under my  dress easier.  
They tell my husband could be taught to change it.  He  should learn since he 
the line to the balloon one night while changing the  bandages and we had to 
get the evening home health nurse to come change  it.
Before I had this 14 French catheter, I had something that had  a tiny metal 
wire in my bladder but it got stopped up or plugged often and made  me bleed a 
lot since I am on Coumadin.
I do have to go to see my urologist next month so he can look  inside to make 
sure nothing bad is happening.  I remember one of the risks  is that you can 
get cancer.  I don't know if my bladder will work once I  start walking again 
and take this out.
Good luck
Hildred in NC
TM since 1976

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