I'm so disapointed that the AVM surgery made no difference in my condition.
  Five difficult weeks in the hospital...  and what for?  For nothing.  I'm 
sorry I said yes when the surgeon asked if I were willing to let him get into 
my spinal cord and...  I think it meant untwisting tangled up spagetti like or 
something like that.  I don't know.  He was so happy with the result!  I'm just 
as bad as before if not worse.
  I can't bring myself to see the neurologist.  It's all so useless and 
  I read your emails and you seem so brave.  I'm not.  I think about those of 
us who are at the hospital as I write this, who may or may not do well.  I hope 
to hear that they are doing well.
  Anyway, I think it would be a good idea if I started to write a story.  A 
children's story.  I have an idea.  Are any of you writers and writing 
something currently?
  It's obious that I'm thinking and babbling aloud, not talking to you, 
thinking to you, babbling to you.  I feel better already.  So kind of you to 
lend me your ear.  I hope you're enjoying yourselves, vacationing or what not.  
I'm going to bed.  
  Stay as well as you can.  I'll try to do the same.
  In friendship.

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