I was paralyzed in 01 from ADEM and spent 7 months in the hospital including 
rehab.  The last couple of years I have had several surgeries on a pressure 
sore that wouldn't heal.  This past May I broke my spine bc I had osteomyelitis 
in my spinal column.  I had 3 surgeries and my spine is fused in several areas. 
 I also had another 2 surgeries on my sore while I was there.  I got out of the 
hospital in July then off to rehab again.  I know how you feel. I lost ability 
to transfer myself and sit up without losing my balance.  I also cant sit up in 
bed bc my spine doesn't curve like anyone elses or used to for that fact.  

I think you have a good idea about writing a book.  Myself, I try to find the 
good in the outcome of what I've been through. I've had only 3 good years out 
of the 6 of being paralyzed.   I should have graduated college this past May 
but still have 2 years to go.  I can't let myself get caught up in that.  Try 
to find the good in your life and the fact that you are still here to share 
your story.

You are in my prayers,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Regina Rummel<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com<mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com> 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 10:22 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Depressed and no one to share with but you

  I'm so disapointed that the AVM surgery made no difference in my condition.
  Five difficult weeks in the hospital...  and what for?  For nothing.  I'm 
sorry I said yes when the surgeon asked if I were willing to let him get into 
my spinal cord and...  I think it meant untwisting tangled up spagetti like or 
something like that.  I don't know.  He was so happy with the result!  I'm just 
as bad as before if not worse.
  I can't bring myself to see the neurologist.  It's all so useless and 
  I read your emails and you seem so brave.  I'm not.  I think about those of 
us who are at the hospital as I write this, who may or may not do well.  I hope 
to hear that they are doing well.
  Anyway, I think it would be a good idea if I started to write a story.  A 
children's story.  I have an idea.  Are any of you writers and writing 
something currently?
  It's obious that I'm thinking and babbling aloud, not talking to you, 
thinking to you, babbling to you.  I feel better already.  So kind of you to 
lend me your ear.  I hope you're enjoying yourselves, vacationing or what not.  
I'm going to bed.  
  Stay as well as you can.  I'll try to do the same.
  In friendship.

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