The more I read "our" emails, the more amazed I am at the challenges some of us 
put up with and still manage to retain our sanity.  To be hit with this at 33, 
well, it's too young...  But children get it too...  That you feel strong 
enough to consider going on with your studies is a good sign, and who else can 
be of more help to the disabled as you intend to be, but you, who's been in 
that yukky boat.  Anyway, good luck Stacy, I still think that "you" are the 
brave one.
  As for me, my TM problem was diagnozed in 2004, but symptoms were there long 
before but not recognized.  I struggle with it.  I get discouraged at times and 
send these "depressed" emails.  You should see me pause before pressing that 
"send" prompt.  And after sending it, I hate myself, calling myself a cry-baby 
and hating to check the responses in shame.  But you know, that's what we're 
all about, isn't it?  Helping each other, no matter what.  And then I'm so 
touched by the responses.  You are all so kind.
  Stacy, I wish I were closer to you so I could visit you and help you.  They 
do say that it's the thought that counts, but in this case, it hardly seems 
  In friendship.

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