  Thanks for the well wishes.  I wished my husband would have sent you all a 
msg., but he is not fond of computers, once he is home.  I appreciate all the 
caring.  Natalie M.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:       Hi Natalie,
  I've been so concerned about you.  I am so glad to hear that you are finally 
on the mend and sorry that you have had the staph infection, but it looks like 
you will be over it soon.  I know that a hospital is a horrible place for 
germs, and no the place to be if you can avoid it.  My doc has wanted to put me 
there for a pneumonia and I haven't gone.  I told him if I get worse, then I'll 
go, but not until as I don't want to catch anything else.
  I had hoped that your husband or another family member would have sent us a 
message to let us know that you were doing well, but we didn't get any.  boo 
  Anyway, welcome back, and hope all will be back to normal for you soon.
  Hugs, Barbara A

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