  I have told him IF he were in this position, I would not be cursing while 
taking care of him.  It's little things tho that he cusses about.  Like when my 
foot falls off my shower chair he'll say GD and things like that.  I tell him 
"You are saying that to me".  He disagrees....he says he is saying it for 
purely what just happened and no one should have to go thru what I do.  He just 
won't accept it and move on.  I don't know if he ever will.  He still holds 
grudges from when he was a child.  He is wonderful at all household duties - I 
couldn't ask for a more supportive partner in that way.  He comes home at lunch 
and fixes me a sandwich or whatever and usually he has already been here to let 
home health in (for my wound vac) & urostomy.  He helps them do all that and 
really doesn't mind at all.  Seems to find it a challenge.  I am worried about 
him tho - I know he is depressed and he has admitted to it, but will not do 
anything about it - EVER.  He holds too much in.  He
 doesn't even watch TV anymore.  The only thing he does at night is crossword 
puzzles from the papers.  I'm worried about him.  I told him to get a check up 
w/ the heart dr. and he will not.  His stress must be sky high.  He says the 
more you  push me the lease I'm likely to do it.  So it is hard to be silent.  
Oh well, sorry for the novel.  Thanks for caring, Natalie M.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:       Nat:
     Try to make your husband understand that it's not your fault you have 
accidents. It's the TM that does it. Also remind him of his wedding vows. You 
might suggest that if the shoe were on the other foot, you'd do whatever is 
necessary to get the job done. Sometimes you can't sugar coat things, you have 
to take the bull by the horns and kick back. Use discretion.

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