*This is scary for me. For the last few months my right leg has been contracting to where I can hardly get the knee past 90 degrees anymore, no matter how much I massage and stretch my leg. And when I have spasms now, the leg tries to straighten out, and it causes a lot more pain than usual. Is this a normal procedure for someone in this condition? I really do NOT want another surgery, especially to lose my leg.
Bernie in Texas*

Hi Ella,
Just wanted to let you know that Red is having his left leg amputated tomorrow, September 20th, around 2:00 in the afternoon. The doctors think it best to go above the knee since his leg is contracted.

fn:May God bestow on us: peace, faith, blessings, compassion, and forgiveness in our next years as we venture through these times.
adr;dom:Apt. #203;;1941 Gaston Place Drive;Austin;Texas;78723
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Thomas Jefferson said it best,------"Those that trade freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security"............

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