I hope everyone is well today. I received this from a sister of one of our 
"family" (Roland 'Red") and I think his last name is Hiles (?), but she asked 
that I ask you to please pray for him, thanks.........Ella

Subj: Update on Red   Date: 9/19/2007 10:37:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   Sent from the Internet 
Hi Ella,
            Just wanted to let you know that Red is having his left leg 
amputated tomorrow, September 20th, around 2:00 in the afternoon.  The doctors 
think it best to go above the knee since his leg is contracted.
Would you please ask everyone on the list to remember him in prayer tomorrow? 
 His picture is still in the members list if anyone is interested in who he 
Gee, this is such a hard time. I can't believe 5 years have passed so 
quickly. In fact, his T.M. anniversary was on July 27th this year. 
I think he is handling it well, always making a joke. He said he wanted to be 
a peg leg pirate now. Rick asked him this evening if we could keep his leg 
and make a lamp out of it, like in the movie A Christmas Story. Red really 
that one.
I will give you an update after all is over.
                                      Love, your friend, Lisa.
Hi Ella,
           Well, it's over. The doctors took off the leg above the knee. They 
also opted to give Red a spinal, thought it was safer than putting him under. 
Red was all for that. The nurses said Red talked non stop during the entire 
surgery!!!       I just happened to be coming down the hall and came upon Red 
and the nurses (after the surgery) as they were taking him back to his room. He 
was wide awake and continued talking to me and dad for the next 1 1/2 hours.  
  I am amazed. He is handling it all so well. Now all he wants to do is heal 
and be able to go fishing before the Fall is over.  . 
I'll be in touch, let you know how Red progresses.
                                                Love, Lisa.

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