It almost sounds like an allergic reaction to something. You  might try an 
antihistamine (if it's ok with your other medicines) and see if it  helps.
I had hives (itchy whelps) once while on amoxicillen. I'd  taken it with no 
problem before. It was miserable -- itchy red whelps everywhere  -- eventually 
even my lips were swollen. It was over a weekend so I took  Benadryl, which 
helped, but also knocked me out. I ended up having to go to the  ER on Monday, 
not because it was an emergency, but because when I called my  doctor's office 
he was out. If I had known I'd be doing that, I would have gone  ahead and 
gone in over the weekend. He gave me a shot of something, I don't  remember 
and referred me to a dermatologist. I don't remember what the  treatment was, 
but it took a while to work out of my system.
An allergic reaction can cause breathing problems -- if there  is any sign of 
that happening, call 911 right away.
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 9/22/2007 2:53:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

To everyone:
While I was in the hospital I got this terrible red rash & it  is still going 
on.  I have an appt. w/ my dermatologist the first  week of Oct.  I itch all 
the time everywhere and when I scatch  whelps like come up.  Also, even my 
watch touching me, if it hits  the bed too hard or something, it causes a red 
spot.  I washed my  face this morning and my husband said you have a red face 
with whelps on  it.  Strange....I don't know what is going on.  I am in misery  
itching...Any similar stories???  Natalie  M.


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