I too, wrote and received emails from  Cody and her mother and from Allen 
Rucker.   Will someone please send  me the email address for Oprah I will write 
to her also.
    By the way, this  past week, on one of the news programs (in the New York 
area) there was a quick  report on an unusual illness.   A young boy, I think 
he was around  10,  camd down with Guilliane Barre Syndrome which has alot of 
the symptons  of TM.   It showed how he overcame this disease and is back to 
almost  normal.   I wonder how they picked up on this and not anyone with  TM. 
    On reflection I  should have written to the station but now I cant 
remember which news program it  was on.
    Take care,  Rosalie

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