Grace, you are so right about this.  If the people that say that it is too HARD 
to read all caps, then just don't read and delete it.  It is that easy to do.
  Todd in CC, TX  

"Grace M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Hi Guys,
  You know, there are several of us who need to write in caps, due to severe 
vision problems.  Though I don't use caps, I do use large font.  I have to, in 
order to see what I am writing.  Recently, one of the long term members of the 
TMIC, who is also a personal friend of mine, received an extremely obnoxious 
email regarding this.  (Complete with *language*.)  You know, this little group 
is for the most part---wonderful.  It was the very first site that I discovered 
at the time of my NMO diagnosis, and I have been made to feel at home here.  
It's like having a virtual *family*.  This unnecessary haranguing, of a long 
standing member, has left a very bad taste in my mouth.  Think of it this way:  
In the big scheme of things, say, ten years from now, is it really going to 
*matter* if someone had to use caps in order to communicate?   I know that I, 
for one, will certainly not be thinking about something as trivial as that 
whenever I prepare to meet my Maker.  Let's put it to
 rest, okaye? 

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