Am I Reaching the tmic web site, I am having computer difficulties. mPlease 
answer. Thanks Rick


-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Grace M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *Hi Guys,*
> **
> *You know, there are several of us who need to write in caps, due to severe
> vision problems.  Though I don't use caps, I do use large font.  I have to,
> in order to see what I am writing.  Recently, one of the long term members
> of the TMIC, who is also a personal friend of mine, received an extremely
> obnoxious email regarding this.  (Complete with *language*.)  You know, this
> little group is for the most part---wonderful.  It was the very first site
> that I discovered at the time of my NMO diagnosis, and I have been made to
> feel at home here.  It's like having a virtual *family*.  This unnecessary
> haranguing, of a long standing member, has left a very bad taste in my
> mouth.  Think of it this way:  In the big scheme of things, say, ten years
> from now, is it really going to *matter* if someone had to use caps in order
> to communicate?   I know that I, for one, will certainly not be thinking
> about something as trivial as that whenever I prepare to meet my Maker.
> Let's put it to rest, okaye?*
> **
> *Grace         *

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