Do you take Lasix or any other diuretic? I take generic Lasix, and have since I
  was diagnosed.That keeps the retention problem in check with exceptions like 
  having to stand a long to your cellulitis, I'm not much 
help except
  to say that you should be sure to take the total bottle of pills, i.e., don't 
stop when
  you feel better............and I think your dr.'s suggestion to put your feet 
up is im-'ll also help with retention problem........Now, you have 
an excuse
  to let the housework go and get a good book! what a stroke of luck!!!
  Hope this clears up quickly!  hugs, janh

      Does anyone else tend to retain fluid in their lower limbs? I seem to -- 
but it may be due to age/excess weight/lack of exercise. No doctor has been 
concerned about it til the one I just started seeing this past year (my 
previous doc left his practice). She wanted me to wear an ace bandage or 
support stockings, but my lower legs get so hot as it is I can't stand it. When 
I walk around the mall or Wal-Mart in the summer they get insufferably hot. 
Many people on the list have said they don't sweat below the area that was 
affected by TM, so I always attributed the legs getting overheated to that.
  I had a bout of cellulitis on one shin in Jan. after accidentally banging it 
on a shelf. I was put on Clindamycin and told to keep my leg elevated. I was 
also told to use the ace bandage, but after trying it the first time it seemed 
to make the redness worse. I thought it had mostly cleared up, but it came back 
at the end of last week. I am on Clindamycin again as well as Doxycyclin (sp?) 
and supposed to keep my leg up at least 20 minutes out of every hour. I am 
concerned because it seemed to cover more area and take a little longer to fade 
out than last time, but it is fading.
  Barbara H.

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