You are in my thoughts and in my little prayer pot, Gerry, and I know God
will give you strength to get through this.  The hardest part is letting go
so he can take over..


-------Original Message-------
From: Gerry Surette
Date: 4/2/2008 4:52:52 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] QUESTION
Hi: this is gerry; I believe recent conversation has helped me immemsly Inow
have ITP on top tm.I am quite discouraged; I read your emails with great
interest' you encourage me especially since on april 29th they will remove
my spleen; in the meantime I have to go through iv hemagolibal n for 4 days
For you have not gone through this. it is five hours of iv cold as you can
tolerate four five hours; The side efrects are fever and cold spasims which
I have already with TM. I need your prayers more than ever.Idon'tknow howI
ill get through this  I pray the Lord to give me strenght but sometimes I
feel it is not enough'I releate to Jude She is my inspiration. Lord what she
has gone through: I trust in the Lord to show me the way but right now I
feel discouraged and dispondant please pray for me and allthpose of us who
go through TM every day; gerry
>From: "jrushton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Robert Pall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
>Subject: Re: [TMIC] QUESTION
>Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 10:23:29 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
>Rob, we get so many different theories from so many doctors and
>   The answer I've gotten more than any is that it is a one time episode(in
>most cases) BUT we each have to relearn so much because the lesion in our
>spinal cord blocks what used to run freely from our brain.  We have to
>how to reroute the messages and sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't.
>That is why some of us have gone from total paralysis (in my case from the
>chest down) to being able to walk even tho we cannot actually 'feel'  plus
>we suffer with constant pain, spasms, and temperature sensitivity.  Each
>of us are so different.  A lot also has to do with the degree of the
>.  A lot also has to do with the amount of PT that we have done.  So many
>questions, huh?  It's going to be interesting to read all of the other's
>Jeanne in Dayton where the sun is shining and looks and feels like Spring!!
>-------Original Message-------
>From: Robert Pall
>Date: 4/2/2008 12:09:42 PM
>         It is funny after having TM for more than 10 years I still don't
>truly understand it. Do we have weak immune systems or did we merely have
>episode in which our immune system did not work properlyÂ…a one time (for
>many of us) thing?
>Rob in New Jersey

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