I got sick while in the hospital and nursing home.
I KNOW that in one case it was because the hordes of people
and children visiting a matriarch ( up to 30 holding a prayer meeting)
brought germs. In another case, it was sick aides. I told her/them
that the clipboard that she sneezed on and laid on my bed was a disease
Since my release - March 2006-- I haven't had a cold or UTI
or flu or anything ( knock on wood).

I was asked if I had a flu shot when i was diagnosed with
my second (or continuing) bout of TM. I hadn't  that year
as it was in short supply but I had not had the flu for years.

I'm inclined to think that my TM is a result of my immune
system going overboard.... and internal misdiagnosis....
not about  weak.... but strong

the b12 theory is interesting, I was told to take
more and to up my folic acid.....


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