Hi Pat,
Sorry you've had to become a member of this family, but you've come to the 
place for help (and love)!  
I'm aware of Sjogrern's as a good friend of mine also has it. As you know, 
(like tm) is an immune system problem which is frequently the case, you have 
one immune problem and that puts you at greater risk for another which is not 
in this group .....my immune problem is excema and my dernatologist has tried 
to put 
me on Imuran....my system wouldn't allow me to take it.....I was still teaching 
at the
elementary level at that time so I was very aware of the increased possibility 
that I was more likely to pick up things from my kids......my doc told me to 
keep the children at
arms length  from me as much as possible and to wash my hands frequently!  
that time I had no problems except rejecting the Imuran.  
I am aware that there are some of the tm folks who use the immune suppressants,
so surely you'll get more definitive responses than mine.......just choose your 
activities carefully, crowds, etc...the second time we tried Imuran, I chose to 
not go to events or places where I knew there would be more opportunities to 
catch something......same results, the only problem was my body rejecting the 
Anyway, I assume you'll get some responses that are more helpful than 
know I care, and you're not alone in this fight!!
--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Patricia Cooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Patricia Cooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [TMIC] question
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 12:32 PM

I am looking for some information.  I came down with TM in June.  My doctors 
believe I have Sjogren’s Syndrome which caused the TM.  They put me on a drug 
to suppress my immune system.  I am taking the meds but I am concerned with the 
cold and flu season starting and I have been advised NOT to have a flu shot.   
Has anyone out there been on that type of drug and did you have any problems?
I would appreciate any information you may have.
Thanks for your help.
Pat in Wisconsin

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