Has anyone ever figured out how to make non TM'rs understand what we go
thru 24/7.
If so plase sare the secret!


Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:30 PM
To: Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.

   That's the best thing about this list.Everyone knows how it feels to
have tm;it's not something that a "regular" person understands.
    Cheryl in Easthampton,Mass.

Robert Pall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        I would just like to thank all of the people on the list who
responded to me in the past few weeks. It helped me thru a difficult
        I have been married for 38+ years and my wife has no idea what I
go through on a daily basis....nor do my children, my relatives and my
friends. Only the people on the list truly understand what it is like to
get sick and never get better! Only the people on the list relate to
terms such as banding, pins & needles, freezing/burning etc. Only the
people who have TM can truly relate to TM and how (in my case) in just a
few hours my life changed for the worse. 
                I am sorry I and all of you have TM...but I am extremely
grateful for the people on the list who always find the time to help!
        Rob in New Jersey  

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99  

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