I have been amazed that you have kept up with all of us as if you were the one 
with TM.  I know you care about us and keep up with our struggles and 
acomplishments so I can only imagine how supportive you have been for Terry.
You're fortunate to have each other.
Patti - Michigan
---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> I don't have TM, my husband does, (8 years now).  Therefore, I will try to 
> speak from the standpoint of understanding.   However, I don't FEEL his pain, 
> but I SYMPATHIZE with his pain.  I sympathize with; his daily issues, his 
> paralysis, his complaints, his clonus, his feeling of inadequacies, his 
> feelings of frustration and pain over sexual dysfunction and bladder 
> dysfunction, his loss of his past life and of OUR past lives.  I LISTEN to 
> him.  I AM THERE FOR HIM.  I encourage him, I apologize for his pain and 
> anything that will make him understand that I UNDERSTAND to a degree. But, I 
> don't think anyone can FULLY understand unless they have TM.  He knows I 
> understand more about TM than many.  But, as they say, "unless you can walk 
> the walk"...... I, more than likely, will never walk that walk.
> I love him, I am committed to him and I will continue to do my best to 
> understand TM thru his eyes.  He is very detail oriented about it - so that 
> in itself, helps me understand better.
> Anyone with a disease such as TM, needs someone to listen to them with 
> compassion in their heart.  I will always do my best to be that person.
> Sandy Parker
> Has anyone ever figured out how to make non TM'rs understand what we go thru 
> 24/7.
> If so plase sare the secret!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Pall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:36 pm
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.
> Has anyone ever figured out how to make non TM'rs understand what we go thru 
> 24/7.
> If so plase sare the secret!
> Rob
> Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:30 PM
> To: Robert Pall
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.
> Rob,
>    That's the best thing about this list.Everyone knows how it feels to have 
> tm;it's not something that a "regular" person understands.
>     Cheryl in Easthampton,Mass.
> Robert Pall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would just like to thank all of the people on the list who responded to me 
> in the past few weeks. It helped me thru a difficult time! 
> I have been married for 38+ years and my wife has no idea what I go through 
> on a daily basis….nor do my children, my relatives and my friends. Only the 
> people on the list truly understand what it is like to get sick and never get 
> better! Only the people on the list relate to terms such as banding, pins & 
> needles, freezing/burning etc. Only the people who have TM can truly relate 
> to TM and how (in my case) in just a few hours my life changed for the worse. 
>         I am sorry I and all of you have TM…but I am extremely grateful for 
> the people on the list who always find the time to help!  THANK YOU ALL!
> Rob in New Jersey  
> between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99  

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