> I am a curious person so I checked into YOUR way "to make a very good livin> 
> g on the internet".  You condemned Frank, because he called it a pyramid. Y> 
> et,  many of us think Frank is a very smart man. 
]Did I hear someone typing my name???

I didn't call anything a pyramid.  I've sold Tupperware (High School), 
Encyclopedias (College), Shaklee, Cosmetics, Amway.  They all work if you work 
the plan.  In my Amway group I had a blind paraplegic who now makes over 
$100,000 a year.  He tells people that wealth was forced upon him.  He also 
tells people that he has a "Get Rich Slow Plan."

Good Luck


PS:  I've been away- drove to Key West- the bottom of U.S. Route one.  It was 

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