Regina,I have been exactly where you are now.... what a bummer. I too am
going to the "top" neuro in the area, but he no longer has time for me. In
fact I came in for an appointment and it wasn't with him anymore my year was
up and the diagnosis was TM/MS so now I am with his Nurse Practioner...
She's awesome. We get along great and she's open to whatever I want to try.
When I mentioned marijuana, tho I can't "quote" her, she said many patients
have used it to help with the pain. But it's illegal here in VA and I don't
know want to get anyone in trouble getting it for me..  Anyway, I too felt
that Neurontin was messing with my memory (although I am 62). I did switch
to Lyrica. I had a difficult time with Baclofen as it weakens muscles, so I
stopped it. I don't really have much spasticity.
I also couldn't agree with you more as to the fatigue. At times it's
crushing!! I did try Provigil but thought it made me a little jittery.
Did not give it much of a try. I hate taking so many meds!  Lyrica,
cymbalta, zocor, and a bladder control med. The other problem is
when you look "good" people forget that you might not feel "good". It's hard
because I force myself out of bed in the morning. (As a catholic I can
always find a 9:00 am mass somewhere :) Is it a compliment when your friend
says "I don't ever think of you as handicapped". I love going into Wash. DC
to the museums.... but it takes everything out of me. I shall stop
blabbering on. I am so blessed to have friends that drag me and my
walker/cane everywhere ..... even to Italy & Mexico....
Regina, you have a great attitude and that is so important with this
Have a great weekend

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 12:59 AM, Regina Rummel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I saw the neurologist yesterday.  She suggested we increase the Neurontin
> to 900mg 3 times a day for a week, then increase to 1200mg three times a
> week.  I asked about Lyrica in spite of my concerns since some of you didn't
> do well with it.   She said Lyrica was similar to Neurontin, may work
> faster, is more expensive.   I asked if we can take Neurontin and Lyrica
> together.  She said yes and that surprised me.  Do any of you take both?
> And about the spasticity in my hamstrings, she wants me to take 10mg
> Bicoflen before I do my exercises.  Some of you made negative comments about
> Bicoflen, didn't you?  I guess you take it as needed.
> I mentioned my memory slipping somewhat.  I can order a brain MRI if you
> want to she said.  But I've had TIAs that probably are the cause.   It all
> went very fast because I type all the questions and concerns to make sure I
> won't forget anything.
> What's wrong with me?  Fatigue is a 10 most of the time.  Chronic fatigue
> is truly a handicap.  I can hardly walk. My left leg is acting up big time,
> and so is my lower back (T10-T11 lesion).  I drag myself with a walker.
> Every little thing is a challenge, etc..  Just lifting my left foot is a
> challenge.  Speaking of foot, Frank was right.  Prednisone will bruise you.
> I stopped taking it, it's poison.
> I refuse to give up. I cleaned all the floors of my little apartment.  I
> cooked shrimp and pasta and steamed asparagus for me and my daughter.  I
> watched and read the news ignoring the blurry right eye, I did this and even
> did that....  It's a big challenge to do every little thing.  And tomorrow
> I'll work all day in the gift shop and check the inventory.  Once I smear
> the new Channel foundation on my face, eye shadow and gloss on my lips,
> perhaps if I look better, I'll feel better.
> But back to the neurologist.  She is supposed to be one of the best in
> Marin.  But why do I feel that she can't wait to go to the next room where
> another patient is waiting?  I honestly feel that it's because we both know
> that there is nothing that can be done for me.  That we're both waisting our
> time.
> Took a sleeping pill and smoked some pot (medicinal of course) so I can
> sleep.  But I feel better talking to you who is kind enough to put up with
> this babbling.
> PS.  Jude, I'm thinking about you and hope you feel better and are sleeping
> peacefully.

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