I stopped doing exercise about 1 year ago and since I stopped just
basic cardio (mostly swimming) I fatigue much quicker. Even though the
exercise did not make me walk better it must have at least somewhat
built up my strength and endurance. I regret stopping and I have already
begun a new regimen of exercise. Depending on each of our specific
conditions the amount of exercise will vary...but all of us can at least
attempt some kind of exercise. Sometimes we are so consumed with our
condition we forget to just practice general good health. In addition I
find that when I eat right and watch my weight I have more endurance and
generally feel better.  I take 450 mg of Lyrica per day but no
neurontin. We all have to make compromises regarding our meds...for me
every medication I take has some negative side effect...I therefore have
to weigh the good and bad for each and every med. I take...it can be a
very difficult balance. 
Rob in New Jersey


From: Regina Rummel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 12:59 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Dr's visit, just a follow up

I saw the neurologist yesterday.  She suggested we increase the
Neurontin to 900mg 3 times a day for a week, then increase to 1200mg
three times a week.  I asked about Lyrica in spite of my concerns since
some of you didn't do well with it.   She said Lyrica was similar to
Neurontin, may work faster, is more expensive.   I asked if we can take
Neurontin and Lyrica together.  She said yes and that surprised me.  Do
any of you take both?  And about the spasticity in my hamstrings, she
wants me to take 10mg Bicoflen before I do my exercises.  Some of you
made negative comments about Bicoflen, didn't you?  I guess you take it
as needed.  
I mentioned my memory slipping somewhat.  I can order a brain MRI if you
want to she said.  But I've had TIAs that probably are the cause.   It
all went very fast because I type all the questions and concerns to make
sure I won't forget anything.
What's wrong with me?  Fatigue is a 10 most of the time.  Chronic
fatigue is truly a handicap.  I can hardly walk. My left leg is acting
up big time, and so is my lower back (T10-T11 lesion).  I drag myself
with a walker.  Every little thing is a challenge, etc..  Just lifting
my left foot is a challenge.  Speaking of foot, Frank was right.
Prednisone will bruise you.  I stopped taking it, it's poison.
I refuse to give up. I cleaned all the floors of my little apartment.  I
cooked shrimp and pasta and steamed asparagus for me and my daughter.  I
watched and read the news ignoring the blurry right eye, I did this and
even did that....  It's a big challenge to do every little thing.  And
tomorrow I'll work all day in the gift shop and check the inventory.
Once I smear the new Channel foundation on my face, eye shadow and gloss
on my lips,  perhaps if I look better, I'll feel better.  
But back to the neurologist.  She is supposed to be one of the best in
Marin.  But why do I feel that she can't wait to go to the next room
where another patient is waiting?  I honestly feel that it's because we
both know that there is nothing that can be done for me.  That we're
both waisting our time.
Took a sleeping pill and smoked some pot (medicinal of course) so I can
sleep.  But I feel better talking to you who is kind enough to put up
with this babbling.
PS.  Jude, I'm thinking about you and hope you feel better and are
sleeping peacefully.

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