AOL EmailOh my dear Jude - you have always had such an eloquent way with words. 
God bless your "big voice" as you call it.  You have a great sense of humor.

Well, I for one am never offended when asked to pray for one of our fellow 
TMers in need.  And Jude, many, many of us have been praying for you for quite 
some time now.  And I will just keep sending those prayers right on up to 
Heaven for you.  You have been through so much.  I do pray for relief from all 
of this pain in your body, and I will continue to do so each day.  

A gentle hug 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 2:16 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] About Prayer

        I agree that this forum is no place for either politics or religion.  
There are plenty of sites for either of those topics and people debate with a 
vengeance for what they believe.  Visit those sites if that's what you're 
looking for.

        When I ask for you to pray for me I am completely sincere.  My father 
was a deacon in the church and I was raised to believe in God and the Bible.

        I have certainly not always followed the Ten Commandments...not even 
one of them.  Although the older I get the stronger my belief in God as my 
higher power becomes.  Of course, I realize that I am no saint.  My belief 
system is growing as my need for something to hang on to grows.  The closer to 
death I become, the easier it is to believe in the Bible and the acts therein.

        When I was taken to the hospital the last two times, the doctors and 
nurses had to use the paddles on me and that is extremely sobering to hear 
about.  I was literally a heartbeat away from death and I had no near death 
experience which makes it even more scary.

        Facing death makes believing in something like the Bible and God easier 
to conceive of.  The immediacy and finality of death brought with it the need 
for something strong and bigger than we human beings.  I needed Jesus and His 
Gift to hang on to.  Without Him and the story of the Bible, I could find 
nothing to believe in.

        There are millions of books in libraries around the world.  But no 
other book is opened and read more often than the Bible.  Of course other 
religions have their own books of Prayer and belief in a Redeemer.  To each, 
his own.

        I want to be prayed for.  I need to be prayed for.  And I appreciate 
every single prayer sent to Heaven on my behalf.  I will pray for you as well 
if you believe as I do.  Even if you don't believe like me I will pray for your 
peace of mind and health for your body.

        I promise never to belay this topic again.  I think enough has been 
said by this big voice.  So, continue to pray for me...for relief from this 
constant barrage of pain, for relief of the infections coursing through my 
blood, and for relief of the pressure sores and the infections that started it 

        Thank you, from your constant admirer,



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