I went to my chiro doc today and he has hired a lady who works on trigger 
points and muscles.
She found that my neck(front/back) muscles were very tight and worked on them. 
she found trigger points all over the place and after she finished working on 
them i was so much better - the face was soft and I could open/close my mouth 
without problem; therefore, it CAN'T be a TMJ problem.
BUT the pain in/near my ear never stopped. I am under the gabapentin so it 
keeps it all calm; however, when I got home, the electric shock feeling back 
(in/near) my ear but this time it also shot down my face/neck and into my 
She thinks, and I do too, that this is the shingle virus attack my nerves. 
Dr.Hormes, the first neuro that I ever worked with, said that he felt that my 
TM was caused by a virus. I mentioned this to the new neuro and he also agreed. 
I see/hear/read that the shingles virus is often associated with TM.
THe fact that shingles can also attack the inner ear and the fact that the 
neuro SAW somethings in my ear very clearly makes me believe that the cause of 
all my problems is the virus that causes shingles.
Each time that i have a MAJOR stress in my life, I get hit with something big 
like this.
1993 - I graduated from school and was jobless -I was having to work crazy jobs 
with convicts and rough type people - it was a scary experience and I was just 
a kid.
2005 - I worked for a bitch from hell who makes the devil look like a good guy. 
she treated me like ____ fill in the blank____ and i got hit with TM the same 
year that i worked for here
2006 - my house was demolished by a tornado - less than a week later my bladder 
stopped working and the dr. said it was TM related
Recently, I got audited by the IRS and had to pay 4500. I'm working on my 
doctorate and i have one class with another bitch from hell as an instructor. 
during our Saturday classes she sits up behind her desk and asks us 
condescending questions. as soon as we try to answer, she cuts us off and 
embarrasses us in front of the class (except for her favorite students) - she 
obviously doesn't like me. others in the class notice the same thing. i have 
had to restart my stupid project times because she didn't like it - the class 
cost 2500 and you have to have a 85 to pass the class. not long after i started 
this class my first recent symptoms appeared. 
So i am now more than ever thinking that this might by a virus that's being 
triggered by stress. 
what do you all think??


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