im really starting to believe the viral theory more and more - not for everyone 
of course - but for a lot of us. yea i stay away from the crazies as much as 
possible but this past month i've seen an ENT 4 times, three PC docs, two ER 
docs, a neuro doc and now i'm going to see another neuro monday, a jaw doc 
tuesday, back to the ENT doc wed and there is still one other that i've been 
ask to go see. .... after ALL These people, i stayed in PAIN PAIN PAIN - and 
only had drugs that wierded me out!!!!! and usually didn't help. BUT this crazy 
woman worked on trigger points for 2 hours and this is the FIRST time since 
sept 28 that i feel wonderful!!!! sure, she knows that it doesn't FIX the 
problem but hell never do the damn meds!!!! BUT whatever she did got rid of the 
pain. and i didn't have to pay her a co-pay and got 2 hours of work without 
charge because i prepaid for a year of chiro work and these folks had enough 
compassion to actually do something
 besides watch me suffer and ask a bunch of dumb questions. 
but you are right about staying away from the crazies - i know that there are a 
lot of them with a lot of wierd ideas. thanks for your concern - nice to be 
thought of


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