Hello All,
This is just an update to explain why I may not  be writing to the List for a 
while.  I got out of the  hospital...again...on Friday after being treated 
for the infections in my  pressure ulcers, urinary tract, blood and now in my 
bones.  I am also  severely malnutritioned and can't tell why.
I am still on IV Vancomyecin as well as oral  antibiotics every six hours.  I 
once again had a barrage of tests and  my arms are black and blue from all of 
the "pokes" I got in order to fill  the blood-quota every day.  For some 
reason my pic-line won't give up  blood so I have to endure the pokes.  And, 
vampires have never  heard of a "butterfly".
I spoke with a plastic surgeon and surgery is my  only hope for a "cure" of 
the ischeal ulcers.  It will take years for  them to close on their own...if 
they ever would.  It is a long  surgery and with a person in my condition, 
rather dangerous.   

Since I have sepsis, and now  osteomyelitis and colonizations of MRSA in my 
intestines nothing can  be done until I am free of disease.  My blood pressure 
goes from  90/60 to 189/60 and varies from minute to minute.  I don't know 
what  the docs are going to do about that.  The fluctuation is why I went  into 
the hospital this time. It makes me feel  awful.
Anyway, I also want to share with you that this  is not a pity party.  I have 
a feeling that I am not going to be  around for a real long time and just 
want to keep you all appraised of my  condition in case something does happen.
I believe that those of you who are special to  me, know it.  There are so 
many persons on the List who have given me  hope over the years.  And that even 
includes a couple of the  "newbies".  Thank you.
I am not one of those people who believes in  taking my own life, so don't 
worry about that although I certainly  understand those of us that desperately 
need freedom from the constant  pain and depression.
If I am online, I am most likely doing research  and will update you when 
there is something to add.
My love to you,
"Now and then it is good to pause in our pursuit  of happiness and just 
simply be happy."

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