Please know that you deserve better!  I'm so sorry to hear this..........I hope 
that the grands will re-
think their move!!

--- On Fri, 11/21/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh Gunny --- I am so very sorry. I just can't imagine.
Barbara H.

In a message dated 11/21/2008 10:38:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

     I've been keeping quiet about this situation, but, I've been reading a lot 
on the list about caregivers so I thought I would spout off. August 8th, my 
caregiver apparently decided she had enough. I came home from a meeting around 
10:30 PM, this was on a Friday, and no one was home. I valled my wife's cell 
phone as she is usually home by this time, and it went directly to voice mail. 
I looked in her room, and saw that her Computer was gone, so, I immediately 
thought someone had broken in. I called the Police to file a report, but then I 
noticed her pet bird was gone. After reading all the signs that were right in 
front of me, I came to the conclusion that she had left. I called my 
Granddaughter to see what she knew, and she confirmed, the wife was gone. So, I 
walk into an empty house, no warning, no note, just gone. Now, a month after 
this, she sends $500 to my Granddaughter for bus fare, so her and my Grandson 
can come to California. Well, they
 left about a week later with the intention of coming back in a months time. 
Needless to say, they're still there after three months.
My birthday is the 25th of this month, and it'll be the first time in three 
years that my Grandson wont be with me. It's not so much that the wife deserted 
me, but she enticed my Grandkids to go to California with her, so, here I am, 
back where I started. That little boy and I had a bond, no one could break, so 
I thought. Little did I know. Those of you that have caregivers staying at your 
side through good and bad times, relish them. Let them know every day how you 
appreciate what sacrifice thay're making.  Oh yeah, the wifw calles a couple 
weeks ago wanting me to send her $100 to get her air conditioner fixed in her 
car. After I threw up, I told her what I thought about the way she left, and 
thanked her for being so considerate. I guess i'll never see any of them again. 
I don't want to be vindictive, but, what goes around, comes around. As for her, 
I couldn't care less, but I'm sure gonna miss that little boy. Enough sad 
stories, let's get back to

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