Tobe, Did you know that you can have "hand controls" put on your car?  It
would definitely be a wild ride if I ever tried it....I also can't feel my
feet nor do I know where they are unless I'm looking right at them. One of
the reasons that I now hate the dark.  I certainly feel lots of pain but
that's about it. I had hand controls put on my car and it sure made my life
so much better. In some states you can get some help paying for it. Tho I
was not able to get it here in Virginia. Please let me know if there is
anything I can do to help you with this? I think if you type in hand
controls for the handicapped you might find a list in New York. If you're
interested let me know and I'll help you find some info on it.
Have a great Thanksgiving

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 9:30 AM, T Kanon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have another story about how a "friend" interpreted our illness.
> Unfortunately I can no longer drive due to TM.  I can't feel my feet.  So I
> applied  for and received a special permit that allows me to put up to ten
> license numbers on it. I listed several friends who take me places and they
> can park at meters without paying or on alternate side days.
> One "friend" asked me if she could borrow it and not knowing how to say no
> I lent it to her.  She continued to ask me for it and I said I can't.  I
> could lose the priviledge and it is not meant to lend out.  She asked me
> whom did I know to get a permit like that and passed the word around that I
> was selfish.  Lately I find people very annoying!!!!
> Tobe
> Brooklyn NY   :O)

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