In response to:

Your description  of your family carrying you through the sand made me laugh so 
hard I almost wet my pants, which isn’t hard to do these days.  This bring up a 
question I would like to ask you.  I know as a fellow TMer you won’t be 
offended.  As a lot of us. I am incontinent.  It is getting a little better as 
I have myself on a routine.  But, the big thing is my daughter and I have 
always taken my granddaughters to  Mall of American during their spring break.  
We are planning to do so again in spring.  The highlight of the stay is staying 
at a motel with a pool.  My granddaughters are like 2 little fish.  My daughter 
and I always joined them in the pool, but with incontinence I don’t know if I 
can again.  Are there such things as adult swim diapers and where would you get 
them.  Any help you could give me would be very much appreciated.


Thanks, Patti in Wisconsin

Patti, I also have problems with incontinence even tho I have a pretty good 
routine and control.  Sometimes it just hits me and it's already too late so I 
have to wear some type of protection all of the time so it's okay.  Much better 
than when it started, by gosh!!!  There is a site I use to order the pads and 
last time I ordered the wrong size and those babies went almost from my chin 
and up my back they were so long (exaggeration, of course!) but I should have 
studied the size more.  I'll do some looking to see if I can find some you can 
wear in the water.  I can't imagine not being available.  Jeanne

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