Jeanne, I took a lot of convincing to take the anti depressants and only did 
because I've known my doctor for many many years.

I'm so pleased he convinced me, they have been wonderful for me and since 
TMer's have the highest percentage of suicides (apparently) we should all be on 
them.  I would suspect that most of our carer's should be too :-)).

Just digressing a little now while I'm thinking of it.  After all the 
discussion we've had lately about carers, I've been thinking back to when that 
was my job.  I loved it but with many apologies to those with MS, the patients 
I found most difficult were those with MS.  That could be because I didn't have 
any with TM!

The point of telling you this is that we can make our lives and our carers much 
easier by letting go of very many things.  Because we get frustrated that we 
can't do things and others aren't doing them just the way we want and when we 
want is no reason to take it out on everybody.  

Set yourself new priorities and remember, the world still turns no matter if 
you do things or don't and how those things are done if somebody else does them.

Another 2c worth from me
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jrushton 
  To: Gillian Clark ; TMIC 
  Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 10:48 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Anybody else been there?

  Just a note on the antidepressants...  When I was in ICU and getting ready to 
be discharged the neurologist insisted that I do not be without them.  He said 
people with issues like we have really do need them and since then, I can 
understand it.  It isn't something to be ashamed of and there are so many 
different kinds now that if one doesn't seem to work, you can try another one.  

  Growing up in the 50's and 60's, if you went to your doctor and told him/her 
(mostly him at that time) that you were depressed he would tell you it was all 
in your mind and if a person insisted on getting something you would be given 
Valium.  Thank God they have finally come so far!  They have also helped women 
with PMS big time.  j

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