You have found the secret to continuing to live! and in a manner that makes 
it fun for others to be with you 
Most of all you've learned to accept those things we cannot change!
What a pity that anyone would just wallow in the "what if" attitude!!  Laughter
is the best medicine!!!

janh in OK

In response to:
Very well put.  I know that I now live a 'new normal'.  I have had to let go of 
a lot of things too.  
Heather in Calgary 
Heather and Gilly,
I don't know about all of our 'new normal' family (and that is such a great way 
to put it!) but I do know that from the very first I had to decide to be mad or 
glad so I chose glad and insisted my family do the same.  We have giggled and 
laughed thru a whole lot of things that would otherwise make me frustrated or 
angry.  One was trying to get past the 'Nanny diaper' days and that was a 
chore, I'll tell you!!  Still is occasionally!
Then when all of us brothers and sisters and a bunch of the younger bunch went 
to the ocean, they tried to push my wheelchair and there was no way.  So they 
parked it and held onto me and then we all started laughing because I was 
leaving a 'snail-trail' from dragging my right foot so every single one of them 
started dragging their foot, too.  You should have seen the trails we all 
left.  We all laughed until we cried.  
Another year we went to the ocean my sister and I played a trick on the younger 
bunch involving a Depend.  I won't post it on the TMIC because it might offend 
someone but we have fun with a lot of things that otherwise would make our 
lives miserable.  I won't say there haven't been times when I just sat down and 
sobbed because there have been.  I call them a cleansing of the soul.   
Enjoy your day!!
Jeanne in Dayton

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