Hi Betty,
Ella is good people to know and converse with,  especially if you have 
questions or problems.  I am like Ella in that  I have a constant buzzing 
feeling throughout my body which is similar to  when one of your extremities 
"falls asleep".  I hate  it...
Love You,
In a message dated 4/19/2009 4:01:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
alle...@aol.com writes:

Welcome  Betty,
One symptom I'd say we  all have is definitely the banding yet other 
symptoms do vary. I'm a  paraplegic since 9/2000, lesion T6-10. I don't have 
numbness but a  buzzing feeling that is uncomfortable without meds. Ask us  
anything you wish and you will get an answer. Have you talked  with anyone 
since 2004 with TM? You have a group of friends  here.
Ella in  Ohio

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