Can you set the alarm for about 1:00am and take a pill then - to stave off the 
2-4 problem?   I know it is really hard to come
up with the right formula to work with our body's problems.

I had a blood clot when I was in the hospital in my lung.   Never felt anything 
with it.  DVT's sound painful for you.  How about something that would just 
knock you out for the nite!?!                  Janice
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: ; ; 
  Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 1:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy


  DVT's are Deep Venous Thrombosis, or blood clots.  These have reduced the 
bloodflow going back up my leg to the heart, and the leg swells and aches.  I 
get spasms in that leg, which is my left leg, and sometimes in my right leg and 
my back.  I take 2 Baclofen in the early evening when I am experiencing spasms, 
and then 2 later on, but only then as my legs are at their worst between 2-4 am 
generally.  So, I want the most meds working for me at that time.

  Hugs to you, Barbara A

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Janice <>
  Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 7:07 pm
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

  Your situation seems to be the closest to my situation that I have read yet.  
I am referring to your paragraph 2.    Also, use
  baclofen (2 at dinner, 1 at 8:00pm) and have no problem sleeping too.   What 
would we do without really good husbands!?!.

  You mentioned DVT's in your legs.   What are those?   Are they painful?  I 
have never heard of that.        Janice
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    To: ; 
    Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:00 PM
    Subject: [TMIC] wow, you work too hard Trudy

    Hi Trudy,

    You work too hard, I could not clean all day, whether I wanted to or not.  
If not for a automatic washer/dryer, the wash would not get done.  And, if it 
goes for floors, I can do a small amount but not a lot.  It kills my back, and 
I'm in bed for days.  So, it's someone else's job.  I do clean the spots on the 
kitchen floor iwth paper towels though from time to time, since hubby or 
daughter in-law aren't really responsive on the job, lol.  It doesn't seem to 
be as important to them that it is and looks clean as it is to me.  

    My speed is dusting and cleaning kitchen/bathrooms and laundry.  I can do 
most things that are off the floor and I cannot do too much in a day and still 
manage to cook dinner.  I don't cook dinner everyday, but try to do it most 
days.  Pete (hubby) usually handles breakfast most days and it's a nice trade 
off as he loves breakfast.  That's one of the good parts of his retirement.  He 
also makes my coffee in the morning and then again at night.  And, he is sure a 
handy guy to have around I know that I don't think that I could have gotten 
through this whole TM thing without him, he's been so good at accepting the 
changes that it has made in our lives.  I say accepting, and I am not sure it 
is the right word, as it is a hard thing to say.  We do have to accept it, 
don't have to like it as none of us do, but we just roll with it.  It just is 
what it is.  Can't change it, and cannot deny it anymore, although I tried that 
for about! 18 months.  Now, it's been almost 10 years.

    I use 40 mg Baclofen at night for spasms, and generally it works pretty 
well, although there are those nights when it doesn't seem to work.  Maybe it 
is and if I hadn't taken it, they would be a whole lot worse, but they 
definately keep me from sleeping.  That is usually on a day that I've done too 
much.  I've had 2 DVT's in my left leg, and sometimes I think that the problems 
and pain in that leg are worse than the complications that TM has caused in my 
life.  Although, I didn't get the DVT's until I was in the hospital paralyzed 
from TM.  Darned leg!

    But I have slept 3 nights straight and am a happy camper today.  Yippee!  I 
hope you all can take something positive from me and do something positive for 
yourself to get on the right track if you've slipped off as well.

    Hugs to all, Barbara A

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