Heather and I were just talking about our inability to stand with our heads 
tilted back without loosing our balance.  

Patti - Michigan
---- L T CHERPESKI <> wrote: 
>   Heather,
>   I haven't given up yet, but I still can't look up at the stars without 
> almost tipping over.  Maybe it will happen one of these nights when I least 
> expect it.  That would be wonderful.
> hugs,
> Linda (Eagle, ID) 
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Pieter and Heather<> 
>   To: L T CHERPESKI<> ; Trudy 
> OGILVIE<> ; 
><> ; 
><> ; 
> Janice<> 
>   Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 9:58 PM
>   Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy
>   Linda, 
>   I know what you mean about shutting your eyes in the shower.  It was well 
> after the 2 yr mark that one day I got out of the shower and it hit me.  I 
> had shut my eyes to wash my hair and I didn't have to touch the wall.  From 
> time to time I still just touch the shower wall or glass door with my elbow 
> but not like I did for the first few years. (I'm at 5 1/2 yrs now).
>   So yes I guess little things improve from time to time. 
>   Heather in Calgary 
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: L T CHERPESKI<> 
>     To: Trudy OGILVIE<> ; 
><> ; 
><> ; 
> Janice<> 
>     Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 9:33 PM
>     Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy
>       Janice, you're so funny.  The more questions, the better.  Then we all 
> learn something.  About the cathing, 
>       I have had TM for 7 years now and have had to cath from the beginning.  
> I couldn't "feel" that I had to go so I needed to put myself on a "pee 
> schedule"  Then my doctor sent me to a urologist who worked with people with 
> neurological issues.  She was great - after some testing (just a tad bit 
> embarrassing) she diagnosed me with neurogenic bladder.  In my case, I could 
> not empty my bladder completely.  However, I had a very strange thing happen 
> about 2 months ago.  I had just finished another round of Rituxan infusions 
> and one day realized that I hadn't cathed! Miracle of all miracles.  I still 
> cath before bed just to make sure I don't need to get up in the night. I 
> really have stopped thinking there is a "time limit" on this TM stuff.  I've 
> seen small improvements in the last few years that really surprised me.  Like 
> washing my hair in the shower and being able to close my eyes without one 
> hand on the glass door.  Sometimes I still need to hang on or I will lose my 
> balance, but I could NEVER close my eyes before.  Some of these things may 
> seem small, but when you could not do it for years, it's actually huge.  I 
> hope you and all the rest of us will continue to improve for many years to 
> come.
>       Oh, just one more thing - Janice, nothing is too embarrassing to talk 
> about here!  We've either been there ourselves or know someone who has.  So 
> go for it!
>     hugs,
>     Linda (Eagle, ID)
>       ----- Original Message ----- 
>       From: Janice<> 
>       To: Trudy OGILVIE<> ; 
><> ; 
>       Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 6:49 PM
>       Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy
>          This is Janice,
>       As usual, I have another question.       How many of you have to cath?  
>  Do you know if that is from having a
>       catheter in too long when in the hospital, or is it a result of 
> paralyzation onset taking a long time to come back?  Do you still feel 
> improvement - cathing less, fewer wet pants/pads, more control?   Do you wake 
> up in the nite to an
>       already wet bed - you don't yet feel when you are peeing until it is 
> too late?              I have not gotten control yet
>       after almost 2 1/2 years.   I am improving, but not there yet.  Wonder 
> if it will ever heal.   Just wondered if those
>       of you that have had TM longer have seen any improvement after the 
> "2-year mark".   Thanks for any responses I
>       get.    I realize this is personal.          Janice
>         ----- Original Message ----- 
>         From: Trudy OGILVIE<> 
>         To:<> ; 
>         Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 3:27 PM
>         Subject: [TMIC] RE: wow, you work too hard Trudy
>         Hi Barbara, 
>         Congrats on having 3 good nights of sleep! I'll bet you feel like a 
> whole new person..  I really don't work so hard, I do pace myself and if it 
> doesn't get done it doesn't get done. I do have someone come in every other 
> week to help me so I'm fortunate for that. My washing machine broke and I am 
> now trying to catch up on that disaster. My husband (Mac) is fantastic to me. 
> It's odd in that seven yrs. ago when this hit we were having some 
> difficulties.... that all changed when TM came along. Crazy I know.....   so 
> is this damn TM .. only those of you on this list can understand words like 
> "banding", numbness,
>         fire and ice..... change your shoes ..... watch out... change your 
> clothes ..... watch out......   But I am back and committed to doing my 
> exercises. I do feel much better and a real sense of accomplishment.  Again, 
> so glad you're sleeping, it makes a huge difference.
>         Take care - Blessings!
>         Trudy
>         Springfield, Va   (the sun just peeked out - it's supposed to go away 
> for the weekend.   
>         Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles;
>          It empties today of its strengths.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         To:;
>         Subject: wow, you work too hard Trudy
>         Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:00:22 -0400
>         From:
>         Hi Trudy,
>         You work too hard, I could not clean all day, whether I wanted to or 
> not.  If not for a automatic washer/dryer, the wash would not get done.  And, 
> if it goes for floors, I can do a small amount but not a lot.  It kills my 
> back, and I'm in bed for days.  So, it's someone else's job.  I do clean the 
> spots on the kitchen floor iwth paper towels though from time to time, since 
> hubby or daughter in-law aren't really responsive on the job, lol.  It 
> doesn't seem to be as important to them that it is and looks clean as it is 
> to me.  
>         My speed is dusting and cleaning kitchen/bathrooms and laundry.  I 
> can do most things that are off the floor and I cannot do too much in a day 
> and still manage to cook dinner.  I don't cook dinner everyday, but try to do 
> it most days.  Pete (hubby) usually handles breakfast most days and it's a 
> nice trade off as he loves breakfast.  That's one of the good parts of his 
> retirement.  He also makes my coffee in the morning and then again at night.  
> And, he is sure a handy guy to have around I know that I don't think that I 
> could have gotten through this whole TM thing without him, he's been so good 
> at accepting the changes that it has made in our lives.  I say accepting, and 
> I am not sure it is the right word, as it is a hard thing to say.  We do have 
> to accept it, don't have to like it as none of us do, but we just roll with 
> it.  It just is what it is.  Can't change it, and cannot deny it anymore, 
> although I tried that for about 18 months.  Now, it's been almost 10 years.
>         I use 40 mg Baclofen at night for spasms, and generally it works 
> pretty well, although there are those nights when it doesn't seem to work.  
> Maybe it is and if I hadn't taken it, they would be a whole lot worse, but 
> they definately keep me from sleeping.  That is usually on a day that I've 
> done too much.  I've had 2 DVT's in my left leg, and sometimes I think that 
> the problems and pain in that leg are worse than the complications that TM 
> has caused in my life.  Although, I didn't get the DVT's until I was in the 
> hospital paralyzed from TM.  Darned leg!
>         But I have slept 3 nights straight and am a happy camper today.  
> Yippee!  I hope you all can take something positive from me and do something 
> positive for yourself to get on the right track if you've slipped off as well.
>         Hugs to all, Barbara A
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> instead<>!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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